The consortium of adelphi and AMC provides technical and methodological expertise to support GIZ and the Indonesian partner in the successful establishment of a NAMA for the pulp and paper sector. The objective of this work is to formulate a NAMA program in the pulp and paper industry for the Ministry of Industry in a form of a study.

The is performed in six overall tasks 1) Development of baseline (BAU) scenario; 2) Development of GHG mitigation scenarios; 3) Assessment of GHG mitigation scenarios (cost and co-benefits); 4) Assessment of policies and measures required to enable the NAMA; 5) Defining the MRV system; and 6) Institutional setting.

Following objectives shall be achieved through the NAMA in the pulp and paper industry:

  1. Reduction of the sector’s specific emissions (i.e., CO2 emissions per unit of product) in a transparent and verifiable manner compared to a statistically sound baseline.
  2. Increase the sector’s competitiveness through low carbon development by reducing the energy and cost intensity of production.
  3. Reduce the sector’s specific energy consumption
  4. Contribute to the achievement of the government´s greenhouse gas mitigation goals.