GIZ SREGIP has established a joint initiative with the Ministry of Tourism, BAPPENAS and local authorities in NTB Province to Promote Sustainable Tourism in Lombok. One of the activities is the promotion of resource efficiency of hotels and other service providers of the tourism industry, such as restaurants and spas. Objectives of the project were:

  • Improving the efficiency and overall business competitiveness of hotel/other tourism businesses with measurable effects on costs by:

1.     Reducing water, electricity, and diesel fuel consumption.

2.     Improving the efficient usage of other raw materials, such as detergent, soaps and utilities.

3.     Reducing landfill waste

4.     Reducing overall impact on the environment, reducing carbon footprint.

  • Improving the internal services of AHM (ASOSIASI HOTEL MATARAM) on perpetuating and potentially replicating a Resource Efficiency Program.
  • Enabling and facilitating follow up by a local service provider.
  • Initialing the positioning of new service providers in RE Program.