The Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany supports, based on and in accordance with the Brunei Plan of action to strengthen the ASEAN-EU Enhanced Partnership (2013-2017), the process of regional integration in the ASEAN region with a capacity building project that is aimed at strengthening the ASEAN Secretariat.

In accordance with the project objective of strengthening the Institutional capacity and outreach of the ASEAN Secretariat the project supports the ASEC in institution capacity development under the components of:

– Support to key functional ASEC Units
– Support to Selected ASEC technical Division

In charge of implementation of agreed project activities supporting the ASEAN Secretariats Public Outreach and Civil Society Division (POCS), Including development of Terms of References for short-term experts, quality assurance of short- term expert’s assignments.

Project Activities

The project employs a mix of “Human Capacity Development” instrument and strategies such as:

– Customs made training modules and workshops
– Sector/expert dialogue events and international symposia
– Facilitation of networking between ASEC Technical division and ASEAN Secretariat Ministerial Bodies
– Cooperation Study visits to relevant institutional in and outside the region


The project supports the ASEAN Secretariat public outreach and civil society division (POCS), project component 1, module 4 “Public Outreach and Civil Society Division “, Objective: “The internal structure and capacities of the POCS are strengthened“, supports the overall on-site project implementation and acts as the liaison for relevant stakeholders. (e.g. ASEAN secretariat senior management and operational level, ASEAN Dialogue partner, the German Embassy, the GIZ Country Director and ASEAN Focal Point – GIZ Country Office Jakarta).