The overall objective of the project is to contribute to Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Protection in the GUNUNG LEUSER Ecosystem and therewith to a significant stabilization of INDONESIA biodiversity and C02 net emissions. The project supports the sustainable management of the GUNUNG LEUSER ecosystem on Sumatra, in the Aceh Selatan, SUBULUS SALAM und SINGKIL districts. The primary aim of the project is to balance the needs for conserving biodiversity with those of the population for using the natural resources. The project provides the necessary infrastructure to the protected areas’ administrative bodies and advises them on setting up new structures and improving existing ones.
The project concentrates on biodiversity and community development through a forest and community development program and support additional biodiversity and conservation measures. Therewith the following results shall be achieved:
o Selected communities in Aceh Selatan, SINGKIL, and SUBUSSALAM are supported in conservation-oriented development activities and in resolving conflicts with the GUNUNG LEUSER Ecosystem or adjacent forests.
o Capacity of conservation related institutions in the selected districts are strengthened.