AMC has been awarded this project under the GIZ- Sustainable Regional Ekonomis Growth and Investment Programme (SREGIP). SREGIP has established a joint initiative with the Ministry of Tourism, BAPPENAS and local authorities in NTB Province to promote Sustainable Tourism in Lombok. One of the activities is the promotion of resource efficiency of hotels through local service providers. In this Project AMC provides support to the association of Engineers of Lombok (ACE). ACE is supported in developing a strategy and work plan to enhance the efficiency and overall business competitiveness of hotels with measurable effects on cost. The capabilities of engineers of hotels in Lombok are improved by training and training on the job on eco hotel auditing. The hotels are audited regarding resource efficiency, energy efficiency, cleaner production, and PROPER issues. ACE is supported regarding following activities:
- Development of a strategy for these association for the mid-term and an action plan for the coming year
- Keep the association into contact with suppliers of environmentally friendly equipment, especially energy saving equipment
- Use of ecolabels and energy labelling for selecting products
- Provide training to engineers of the hotels on environmentally friendly technologies
- Introduction of ESCO companies to hotel managers and owners
- Compile lessons learnt for other hotels and hotel associations
- Develop a dissemination strategy for other areas to implement eco hotel management